Enemies/Player Redesign

Originally we had planned to have tons of enemies, an ambitious idea that seemed to be possible when the project began. We thought of having at least six different minions enemies, three mini bosses, and one big boss. We ended up scrapping the mini bosses and went with four minions and a big boss. When it came to creating the enemies, I felt like I had exhausted all my abilities with making the player character. I resorted to finding free-use sprites and either used them in the game or redesigned them slightly to fit the aesthetic of our game. Once we started implementing enemies into the game, we realized that our squirrel player stood out from the rest where it looked too out of style for the game. Because of the minions we decided to use, we were looking at more of a jungle-themed plan for the forest and to go with this aesthetic, I decided to create a meerkat similar in style to the enemies.